How to use AI to automatically generate fixes for Sentry errors

October 18, 2023

In this article we’ll talk about how you can automatically generate fixes for exceptions, errors, and crashes that come into your Sentry account. 

How does Sentry monitor your app?

Sentry is a powerful application monitoring and error tracking platform that provides developers with invaluable insights into their applications' performance and stability. With Sentry, you can proactively identify and resolve issues, from application crashes to code errors, ensuring a seamless and error-free user experience. Its intuitive tools, advanced analytics, and machine learning capabilities make it an indispensable ally for any development team striving for top-notch software quality.

Does Sentry have AI tools or solutions? 

Sentry utilizes advanced technologies, including machine learning, to gain deeper insights into the root causes of crashes. In line with their commitment to innovation, Sentry applies machine learning in various key areas, enhancing monitoring tools for improved performance (source:

Application-wide auto-detection of issues without user setup

  1. Automatic correlation to immediately identify potential "needle in a haystack" root causes
  2. Anomaly detection that considers trends and seasonality
  3. Outlier detection for monitoring large, dynamic fleets
  4. Forecasting to prevent bottlenecks
  5. Root cause analysis for immediate diagnosis

Use to automatically generate fixes for Sentry error integrates with all widely adopted crash monitoring solutions, including Sentry. Here’s how our crash fixing solution works in five simple steps:

  1. Connect to Sentry
  2. Connect to your GitHub repository
  3. automatically pulls real-time error data from Sentry
  4. From the ingested error data and codebase context gathering, we generate a fix
  5. Once the fix is generated, a developer can edit it if needed and submit a pull request. 

Demo video: ingests Sentry stack trace and generates a fix

If you use Sentry and would like to put your crash fixing on autopilot, we’d love to hear from you! Schedule a Demo.

And check out the CrashBot demo.